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Terms |
Definition |
Firmware |
일반적으로 롬(ROM)에 기록된 하드웨어를 제어하는 마이크로프로그램의 집합.
Firmware is
programming that's written to the read-only memory (ROM) of a computing device.
Firmware, which is added at the time of manufacturing, is used to run user
programs on the device. |
GMT | 영국 그리니치의
본초자오선상의 평균태양시로서, 세계 지방시와 표준시의 기준이 된다. 본래
정오에 날짜가 바뀌는 체제였으나, 1925년에 자정에 날짜가 바뀌는 그리니치 상용시와 일치되었다. GMT is Greenwich Mean Time. In case of Korea, it’s +0900. |
[協定世界時, Universal Time Coordinated] 국제 사회가 사용하는 과학적 시간의 표준으로 1972년 1월 1일부터
시행된 협정시계시는 세슘원자의 진동수에 의거한 초의 길이가 그 기준으로 쓰인다. Coordinated
Universal Time (abbreviated as UTC, and therefore often spelled out as
Universal Time Coordinated and sometimes as Universal Coordinated Time) is the
standard time common to every place in the world. Formerly and still widely
called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and also World Time, UTC nominally reflects
the mean solar time along the Earth's prime meridian. (The prime meridian is 0°
longitude in the 360 lines of longitude on Earth. There are 179 meridians
toward the East and 179 toward the West. The 180th meridian is also called the
International Date Line.) The prime meridian is arbitrarily based on the
meridian that runs through the Greenwich Observatory outside of London, where
the present system originated. The UTC is based on an atomic clock to which
adjustments of a second (called a leap second) are sometimes made to allow for
variations in the solar cycle. Coordinated
Universal Time is expressed using a 24-hour clock but can be converted into a
12-hour clock (AM and PM). UTC is used in plane and ship navigation, where it
also sometimes known as Zulu. UTC uses the Gregorian calendar calendar. |
SIM Card |
SIM 카드는 가입자 식별 모듈(Subscriber Identification Module)을 구현한 IC 카드로, GSM 단말기의 필수 요소이다. 보통 단말기 뒤에 들어가는 슬롯이
있고, 이에 끼워넣는 작은 카드를 부르는 말이다. 최초의 SIM 카드는 1991년에 뮌헨의 스마트 카드 제조사 Giesecke & Devrient가 만들었고 첫 300 개의 SIM 카드를 무선 네트워크 통신사 Elisa Oyj (Radiolinja)에
A SIM card, also known as a subscriber identity module, is a smart card that stores data for GSM cellular telephone subscribers. Such data includes user identity, location and phone number, network authorization data, personal security keys, contact lists and stored text messages. Security features include authentication and encryption to protect data and prevent eavesdropping. A SIM card and can be switched easily from one phone set to another. The portability of data offers a number of benefits. |
위성항법장치 [衛星航法裝置, global positioning
system:GPS] 비행기·선박·자동차뿐만 아니라 세계 어느
곳에서든지 인공위성을 이용하여 자신의 위치를 정확히 알 수 있는 시스템.
GPS (Global Positioning System) is a system that uses signals from satellites to find out the position of an object. The abbreviation GPS is also used |
초고속 인터넷과 화상 통신 등이 가능한 2.5세대의 이동전화이다.
GPRS (General Packet Radio Services) is a packet-based wireless communication service that promises data rates from 56 up to 114 Kbps and continuous connection to the Internet for mobile phone and computer users. The higher data rates allow users to take part in video conferences and interact with multimedia Web sites and similar applications using mobile handheld devices as well as notebook computers. GPRS is based on Global System for Mobile (GSM) communication and complements existing services such circuit-switched cellular phone connections and the Short Message Service (SMS). |
종합정보통신망과연결되므로 모뎀을 사용하지 않고도 전화 단말기와 팩시밀리, 랩톱 등에 직접 접속하여 이동데이터 서비스를받을 수 있는 유럽식 디지털 이동통신 방식이다.
GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) is a digital mobile telephony system that is widely used in Europe and other parts of the world. Since many GSM network operators have roaming agreements with foreign operators, users can often continue to use their mobile phones when they travel to other countries. SIM cards (Subscriber Identity Module) holding home network access configurations may be switched to those will be metered local access, significantly reducing roaming costs while experiencing no reductions in service. |
휴대전화를 이용하는사람들이, 별도의 다른 장비를 사용하지 않고 휴대전화만으로도 짧은 문장의 메시지를 주고 받을 수 있는서비스를 말한다. 단문메세지서비스라고도 한다.
SMS (Short Message Service), commonly referred to as "text messaging," is a service for sending short messages of up to 160 characters (224 characters if using a 5-bit mode) to mobile devices, including cellular phones, Smartphones and PDAs. |
인터넷에서 전자우편(E-mail)을 보낼 때 이용하게 되는 표준 통신 규약을 말한다. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a TCP/IP protocol used in sending and receiving e-mail. However, since it is limited in its ability to queue messages at the receiving end, it is usually used with one of two other protocols, POP3 or IMAP, which let the user save messages in a server mailbox and download them periodically from the server. |
CDMA | 미국의 퀄컴(Qualcomm)이 개발한 확산대역기술을 채택한 디지털 이동통신 방식으로 부호분할다중접속·코드분할다중접속라고도한다.
CDMAemploys analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) in combination with spread spectrumtechnology. Audio input is first digitized into binary elements. The frequencyof the transmitted signal is then made to vary according to a defined pattern(code), so it can be intercepted only by a receiver whose frequency response isprogrammed with the same code, so it follows exactly along with the transmitterfrequency. There are trillions of possible frequency-sequencing codes, whichenhances privacy and makes cloning difficult. The CDMAchannel is nominally 1.23 MHz wide. CDMA networks use a scheme called softhandoff, which minimizes signal breakup as a handset passes from one cell toanother. The combination of digital and spread-spectrum modes supports severaltimes as many signals per unit bandwidth as analog modes. CDMA is compatiblewith other cellular technologies; this allows for nationwide roaming. |
TDMA | 데이터 통신에서, 하나의 중계기에 여러 사용자가 접속하여 동시에 데이터를 송수신 할 수 있게 해주는 기술이다. 동일한 주파수를 작은 시간들로 나눠서, 사용자는 자신에게 주어진시간에 주파수를 독점하게 된다.
TDMA (timedivision multiple access) is a technology used in digital cellular telephonecommunication that divides each cellular channel into three time slots in orderto increase the amount of data that can be carried. TDMA isused by Digital-American Mobile Phone Service (D-AMPS), Global System forMobile communications (GSM), and Personal Digital Cellular (PDC). Each of thesesystems implements TDMA in somewhat different and potentially incompatibleways. An alternative multiplexing scheme to FDMA with TDMA is CDMA (codedivision multiple access), which takes the entire allocated frequency range fora given service and multiplexes information for all users across the spectrumrange at the same time. |
데이터 통신에서, 전송 하고있는 신호의 대역폭보다 전송 매체의 사용 가능한 대역폭이 더 클 때,사용 가능한 대역폭을 주파수 단위의 영역으로 나누어 사용하는 것을 말한다.
FDMA(frequency division multiple access) is the division of the frequency band allocatedfor wireless cellular telephone communication into 30 channels, each of whichcan carry a voice conversation or, with digital service, carry digital data.FDMA is a basic technology in the analog Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS),the most widely-installed cellular phone system installed in North America.With FDMA, each channel can be assigned to only one user at a time. FDMA isalso used in the Total Access Communication System (TACS). |
위치기반서비스 [位置基盤─, location
based service] 이동통신망이나 위성항법장치(GPS) 등을 통해 얻은 위치정보를 바탕으로 이용자에게 여러 가지 서비스를 제공하는 서비스 시스템.
location-based service (LBS) is a software application for a IP-capable mobile
device that requires knowledge about where the mobile device is located.
Location-based services can be query-based and provide the end user with useful
information such as "Where is the nearest ATM?" or they can be
push-based and deliver coupons or other marketing information to customers who
are in a specific geographical area. An LBS
requires five basic components: the service provider's software application, a
mobile network to transmit data and requests for service, a content provider to
supply the end user with geo-specific information, a positioning component (see
GPS) and the end user's mobile device. By law, location-based services must be
permission-based. That means that the end user must opt-in to the service in
order to use it. In most cases, this means installing the LBS application and
accepting a request to allow the service to know the device's location. Although
location-based services have been around since 2000, they have mostly been used
in commerce with a subscription-based business model. The release of Apple's 3G
iPhone and Google's LBS-enabled Android operating system, however, has allowed
developers to introduce millions of consumers to LBS. According to the 2008
fourth-quarter report from Nielsen Mobile, a division of The Nielsen Company,
location-based services account for 58 percent of the total downloaded
application revenue for mobile phones in North America. |